
Some pictures from Bali and Jakarta

Yoko and me in Bali

The beautiful beach in Bali!!!

Monkey forest in Bali

The view from my hotel room
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Ett år seinare

Grunnen te de heller store humørsvingningene og tafatte innleggene på slutten av 2004 grunnes intet aent enn at eg kjøpte et hus på den tiå. Eg hadde et bud inne på 175 000 under prisantydning, og budet sto i ein måned før eg fekk teslag. Eg va nervøse, og det e ikkje kver dag du punge ut millionbeløp.

Eg e blitt inspirerte te å følga opp bloggen min, denne gang på norsk. Det gjør det litt lettare.



Adle fogglar små de e'
komen nå tebake.

For the non-norwegian readers, it means something like I have an umbrella, and I like to dance in the mud. I am in a good mood, my last day at work is thursday, and I am confident that things will sort out nice and pretty. It is christmas in one week, I cannot wait!!!!


Still alive

Not too fuzzed about posting to my blog. No comments=no readers


Christmas indeed

Stressed out of unreliable people around me. Whe cannot people understand a hint? Why cannot people keep their feelings for themselves if they know it is hopless anyway? Arg! I dont want to stress my mind with that kind of knowledge, because then I have to watch my steps. I just want to be myself. And I hate hurting people. Arg!


Wonderful weekend

I have been enjoying the weekend a lot. I started Friday by visiting my uncle and family. They were just as excited as me. It has been to long since last time. Saturday came with a visit to the city centre and a relaxing dinner with Jone and Frank. We had a couple bottles of wine. I like that they drink, because drinking alone is rather boring. That is actually been something I have feared coming back to mother Norway.

We had the fist Sunday of Christmas (argh, what is the name) with the scouts in Church. They were all well behaved, disciplined and did their job well. I am VERY happy! Tommy brought his Morris minor. Cool…


Empty blog, empty mind?

I think I have encountered an issue. Point number one: My blog is dead boring. Why? Because I keep the really juicy stuff for myself. My feelings here are depicted in metaphors and statistics. You have to know me to read it, and often not even then. Point number two: I am running out of things to write about. Should I turn to politics? What I do every week is not very interesting the tenth week. I need some unexpected negative excitement, but I don not really want that, do I?

I am a couple person, I am not to found of parties, great gatherings and such things unless I can share it with one, maximum two other people. Am I then suitable to publish my life on the web.